Getting Around To It


Getting Around To It

You’re about to learn how a simple smiling face ball is going to help you get around to it! Get ready to get more done in a day, a week or even a month


There Was Always Something Else


I was the guy that was always putting things off say those famous words. I could never understand why I could never get as much done as I wanted. Now don’t get me wrong I am not lazy but I was always finding other things to do.

One day I was introduced to this smiling face little guy. He is called Around to it.


This little guy helped me to change my business forever!

Business Training Works


While at a local training for the online business I was working with. One of the speakers I knew came on stage and introduced us this awesome way of getting more done.

He told us how this little ball has helped him to take control of his time. I thought this was crazy! he  would go on to tell us that every time he would say he would get around to something he would pick up this little ball and realize that he had just “got around to it!”

All Of a sudden I got It!

I Finally Understood!


For some reason this just hit me like a ton of bricks! I was finding reasons to not finish everything I was working on.

That day I took this little ball home  put it on my desk and got right to work! Six years later he is still there to help me grow my business. This may sound crazy but sometimes the little things you learn can be the most impactful things!

This one little thing along with my learning how to manage my time better helped to take my business to the next level. If your interested in how I learned to manage my time better you can check out the link below to my blog on that!

The Importance Of Time Management



Now get out to your local Dollar store and pick yourself up a “round to it” ball

Make sure to share this with your team members. This just might be the thing they need to change their business as well

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this!


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