Why Creating Your Own Brand Is So Important

Create Your Own Brand

Create your own brand! I believe this is one of the most important things anyone can do for their own business.

It does not matter what company you are working with. It is very important that you brand yourself first!

I started with a major company that has been around for a very long time. The though was that this company was going to be my one and only company that I was going to work with. After seven years everything changed. They had to do a restructuring of the company. That’s when I realized that it was time for a change.

Everything I had done up to that point was company promotion and nothing about me.

Fortunately enough I was introduced to an incredible coach that taught me to always brand yourself first. Things can change in a heart beat! You never know what your going to be doing next in this incredible industry.

If you are branding yourself and building a strong following of people that want to learn about you and your believes then it will not matter what your promoting.

Remember that people buy from people not from companies. People want to be able to trust who you are and what you believe in. This is how you build a solid business!

Take the time to build your social networks.

Number 1 Thing Not To Do

One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting a new online business is blasting allover Facebook. DON’T do that! It’s the fastest way to be unfriend and blocked by your connections.

Final Thoughts

Take the time and be social-able share what going on in your personal life and once in a while share something positive about your business. Don’t post a link! Let people ask you about what you posted then tell them that you will send them a private message or give them a call.

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I hope you have found this helpful and interesting. Please be sure to share this with your friends family and of course your team!

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