The Magic Of Using QR Tags In Your Business


QR Tags What Are They And How Do I Use Them?


Hello and welcome to my blog. You’re here because you want to know what QR Tags are and how  you can use them in your business? QR tags are one of the fastest and easiest ways to promote anything you want. This makes advertising and building your business so much fun. 

A QR Tags is a two-dimensional barcode that is readable by smartphones. It allows you to encode over 4000 characters in a two dimensional barcode. QR Tags may be used to display text to the user, to open a URL, save a contact to the address book or to compose text messages

Here are just  few of the different ways a QR Tag could be used

  • Advertise you business on a car magnet
  • Have a t-shirt printed with your QR tag on the back with it saying scan me
  • You can have a message for people that scan it telling them about your business
  • It could be used as a security pass. If you don’t have the right QR Tag you can’t get into the area.
  • You could have a phone number for people to listen to a recording about a business opportunity
  • You could have it printed on coffee mugs


How Do You Create QR Tags?


QR tags are one of the easiest ways to make your business stand out. I am going to give you three websites that you can use to create your very own tags.

What I like about creating tags is that it is very easy to do! All you have to do is put the information you  want share in the area shown on the websites and hot enter. The websites will create a unique QR Tag for you to use. 


This is my personal favorite website to use for creating my QR tags, It will also give you some great ideas on how to use them to advertise your business


This is a very user friendly site. All you need to do is put the information you want to share in the box at the top of the page and hit enter. It will then create a new QR Tag for you copy and share!


This one is as easy as the others but this one will allow you to play around more and customize your QR Tags. If you have a logo for your company/product you could add it right into the QR Tag. This one is great for people that want to be a little more creative.



How Do Get A QR Tag Scanner?


All you need to do is go into your app store and search for QR scanner. You can download it for free. Once it is downloaded open it up and put the QR tag between the lines on the phone and it will scan the tag for you! As you can see the QR tags are fun and easy to use.


If you were to scan the QR Tag below you would be taken to my Twitter page so that you can follow me


Follow me on Twitter

I hope this has helped you to see how using these simple tags can make advertising your business more fun and profitable!


QR Tag Being Used By Companies


I recently visited the Marriott Hotel in Niagara Falls and they had this advertisement up in the elevators for the restaurant. In the bottom corner you can see the QR Tag. If you scanned it you would get the menu so you could decide if this was somewhere you wanted to eat before you went there. This is a great example of how QR tags are being used!


Remember to make sure to scan my QR tags. I know you will find them interesting! Also do me a favor and leave me a comment on this post. Did you find it helpful?


Please also be sure to share this post with your team or other business owners you know that might find this helpful!

If you enjoyed this blog make sure to check out my blog Why Artificial Intelligent Is Important


Thanks for reading!!

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