What Made You Decide To Be Complacent

When did you decide to give up on your dreams and ambitions?

When you were a child, did you dream of becoming a doctor? A lawyer? A scientist? A teacher?

When you were a teenager, did those dreams change? Did they grow or shrink in scope or ambition? Or did they remain the same throughout your life as an adult and into old age?

If we could ask any person in history what their childhood dreams were and then follow them through their entire life–from birth until death–how would those aspirations change over time.

When did you decide that the only way to make a living in this world was to trade hours for money?

If you’re like most people, when you were growing up, your parents told you that the only way to make a living was by trading hours for money. They told you that this was how it had always been done and that if you wanted more than just survival, then this was the way things were done.

This model of work has been around since before our country even existed. It’s called the industrial age model because it came about during an era when machines could do most of what humans could do–and faster! So instead of having farmers sit on their land all day long making food by hand (which would have taken too much time), farmers bought seeds from companies like Monsanto who made genetically modified crops designed specifically for mass production efficiency at scale through chemical fertilizers and pesticides (GMOs).

When did you decide that your only hope of making it in this world was to find a job with benefits?

What made you decide that your only hope of making it in this world was to find a job with benefits?

Benefits are not the only way to make it in this world. They may seem like a good idea, but there are plenty of other ways for people to get by without them. Benefits can be expensive and hard to get; they can also be taken away at any time by an employer who decides they don’t want them anymore (or who goes out of business). You shouldn’t define success as something that someone else gives you; instead, define success by what makes YOU happy and fulfilled!

When did you decide to give up on doing something that really matters?

When did you decide to give up on doing something that really matters?

When did you decide to give up on your dreams, your passions and the things that make life worth living?

I know it’s not easy. I know there are days where no matter how much you try or how much passion you have for something, nothing seems to work out for you. But don’t give up! The world needs dreamers and visionaries more than ever before in this day and age of technology taking over our lives completely – where everything is fast paced and automated by computers with no soul behind them (yet).

Don’t let yourself think like this.

You should never give up on your dreams. If they are crushed, they will be gone forever. You’ll always be sad that you didn’t follow through with them, and no one will ever know how much potential there was in your idea.

If you’re having trouble deciding whether or not to pursue a certain path in life, think about what would happen if you did decide against it? How would this decision affect your future? Would it be better for everyone involved if someone else made this choice for them instead of themselves?


Decide to do something that really matters today.

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